Friday, January 15, 2016

Celebrating Epiphanies

This blog has been sitting in my laptop waiting for me to come up with the perfect first post. I realized that day may never happen and it has been waiting long enough. While this post may not be perfect, it is in perfect harmony with life.  Realizing that life is not black and white...there is a lot of gray involved. Getting used to and being at peace with the gray is my goal.

It is January 15th and I am finally leaning into the new year. There were so many years that I believed if I didn't have my act together by January 2nd all was lost. I had already failed at my commitments to move more, eat cleaner, etc...I was so lucky to get to work with the brilliant and beautiful Jen Yost who helped me to understand that January is the perfect month to rest and recharge. To reflect on the past and look forward to the future.

It has proven to be a very timely Epiphany. This year I spent time enjoying the Christmas tree a week longer while sitting with a beautiful new calendar to plan the year. This morning I was looking out my kitchen window at my favorite hydrangea and all the plants and trees in our yard. It struck me that they are resting too. In order to bring us joy all spring, summer and fall they need to take time and be still, as do we.

I named this blog Streaked With Gray because there is always gray peaking out at us in life.  For some of us, like me, we see the streaks of gray in our hair when looking in the mirror--despite our trips to the salon.  We can also see the gray now, with the wisdom that comes with those streaks, as we are put into situations that appeared black and white when we viewed them with younger eyes.

With younger eyes I thought that if I didn't have my act together by January 15th, the year was lost and I would have to wait until next year. Through my gray streaks I now see that I am not finished for 2016, I am just getting started.


  1. Even with Gray, you are awesome! Nice first post Al.

    1. Thanks Kimmie! Love you! I am sure you will be making an appearance or two on this page :)

  2. Love this! And you! You may be gray, and I'm right there with you 😝, but in my life you are a beautiful ray of golden sunshine and I am so grateful for you! ❤️

    1. Thanks Tana! I feel the exact same way! I have learned SO much from you!!! So so much gratitude to you and for you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So fabulous - love this, you amazing woman you!! xoxo
